An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

ARISTOTLE (Ἀριστοτέλης)

13 entries
  • 9400

Aristotle's De anima with the commentary of Averroes.

Padua: Laurentius Canozius, de Lendenaria, for Johannes Philippus Aurelianus et Fratres, 1472.

"Each paragraph of the text of Aristotle is printed in a new and an old translation, and is followed by the commentary of Averroes on the latter (BMC)" (ISTC No. IDia00969000).

Because of the supreme position of Aristotle in the medieval scientific and philosophical curriculum certain Aristotelian texts were among the first scientific texts to be published in print.

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  • 275
  • 462

De animalibus. Translated by Theodorus Gaza. Edited by Ludovicus Podocarthus.

Venice: Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 1476.

Includes Aristotle's De historia animalium, De partibus animalium, and De generatione animalium. Aristotle was the first scientist to gather empirical evidence about the biological world through observation. By his careful observations and excellent accounts of the natural history of those living creatures which he was able to investigate in De historia animalium Aristotle may be considered the first scientific naturalist. English translation in his Works...edited by J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross, Oxford, 1910, vol. 4.

Aristotle's De partibus animalium is the first animal physiology. English translation in his Works edited by Smith and Ross, vol. 5. That edition excluded annotations by the translator,  William Ogle, that were published in the edition of London, 1882.

Aristotle's De generatione animalium is the first textbook on embryology. "The depth of Aristotle's insight into the generation of animals has not been surpassed" (Needham). English translation in his Works, edited Smith & Ross, vol. 5. Later translations are also available.

ISTC: ia00973000

Digital facsimile from Bayerische StaatsBibliothek at this link

  • 17

Opera. In four parts dated: I) 15 Sept. 1479; II) 13 Oct. 1479; III) 21 Oct. 1479; IV) 8 Nov. 1479. Contents: [I] Praedicamenta, De interpretatione, Analytica priora (Tr: Boethius). Add: Porphyrius: Isagoge in Aristotelis Praedicamenta (Tr: Boethius). Gilbertus Porretanus: Liber sex principiorum. Boethius: Divisiones. [II] Analytica posteriora (Tr: Jacobus Veneticus). [III] Sophistici elenchi, Topica (Tr: Boethius). [IV] Physica (Tr: Guilelmus de Moerbeka).

Augsburg: Ambrosius Keller, 1479.

Aristotle, at one time tutor to Alexander the Great, was, among other things, the first observational biologist, and the founder of comparative anatomy. His views had a profound influence in determining the direction of biological thought, as well as scientific thought in general. The Augsburg 1479 edition is the first of ten printed editions of Aristotle's works in Latin issued in the 15th century, and like all of them, it represents selections rather than his complete works. The 1479 edition is ISTC No. ia00960000. Digital facsimile from the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek at this link

Subjects: BIOLOGY, BIOLOGY › Marine Biology, COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, Collected Works: Opera Omnia, PSYCHOLOGY, ZOOLOGY, Zoology, Natural History, Ancient Greek / Roman / Egyptian
  • 9399

Opera. With the commentary of Averroes. Edited by Nicoletus Vernia. 8 parts.

Venice: Andreas Torresanus, de Asula and Bartholomaeus de Blavis, de Alexandria (in part for John de Colonia), 1483.

First edition of the collected works of Aristotle with the commentaries of Averroes, by which Aristotle was mainly studied during the Middle Ages. The purpose of Vernia's edition was to provide an accurate edition of Averroes's commentaries. These were first printed in Padua, 1472-1473. As usual, various different translators were involved in this collected edition, and a few texts by authors other than Aristotle were added. The 8 parts of the set were:

"dated: I.1) for Johannes de Colonia, 1 Feb. 1483; I.2) 2 Oct. 1483; II.1.1) 27 May 1483; II.1.2) 25 Sept. 1483; II.2.1) 12 Sept. 1483; II.2.2) 8 Oct. 1483; III.1) 25 Oct. 1483; III.2) for John de Colonia, 3 Feb. 1483
Contents: [I.1] Praedicamenta, De interpretatione, Analytica priora (Tr: Boethius). Analytica posteriora (Tr: Jacobus Veneticus). Topica, Sophistici elenchi (Tr: Boethius). Add: Porphyry: Isagoge in Aristotelis Praedicamenta (Tr: Boethius). [I.2] Physica. [II.1.1] De caelo et mundo (Tr: Guilelmus de Moerbeka and Michael Scotus). [II.1.2] De generatione et corruptione. [II.2.1] De anima (Tr: Guilelmus de Moerbeka and Michael Scotus). [II.2.2] De sensu et sensato, De memoria et reminiscentia, De somno et vigilia, De lochine et brevitate vitae, Meteorologica (Tr: Guilelmus de Moerbeka). Add: Averroes: De substantia orbis (Tr: Michael Scotus). [III.1] Metaphysica (lib. I-xii, tr: Guilelmus de Moerbeka, with the 'vetus translatio'). Add: Nicoletus Vernia: Quaestio to caelum sit ex materia et forma constitutum. [III. 2] Ethica ad Nicomachum (Tr: Robertus Grosseteste). Politica (Tr: Guilelmus de Moerbeka). Oeconomica (Tr: Durandus de Alvernia)" (ISTC No. ia00962000).
Digital facsimiles from the Bayerische StaatsBibliothek at this link.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece, BIOLOGY, BIOLOGY › Marine Biology, Collected Works: Opera Omnia, PSYCHOLOGY, ZOOLOGY, Zoology, Natural History, Ancient Greek / Roman / Egyptian
  • 8395

Aristotle. [Opera omnia]. 5 vols.

Venice: Aldus Manutius, 14951498.

Between November 1495 and June 1498 scholar printer Aldus Manutius (Teobaldo Mannucci) of Venice issued the first edition in the original Greek of Aristotle's Opera omnia. The set appeared in five thick quarto or small folio volumes, often bound in six. Assembling all of the texts was a major challenge for Aldus and his associates, requiring the help of scholars in different countries, and yet during the publication process Greek texts of both the Poetics and On Rhetoric, remained elusive, so they were excluded from the set. The editio princeps of Aristotle appeared at the close of a century that had witnessed a strong revival in Greek and humanistic studies; it was the first major Greek prose text, or collection of texts, to be reintroduced to the Western world in its original language by means of the printing press, and its success launched Aldus's efforts to produce further editiones principes of other Greek authors. In addition to the Aristotelian works, the five volumes contained works by Aristotle's successor, the botanist Theophrastus, the commentator on Aristotle, Alexander of Aphrodisias, the neo-Platonic philosopher Porphyrius, and Philo of Alexandria (Philo Judaeus) along with the spurious De historia philosophia attributed to Galen. ISTC No.: ia00959000. Digital facsimiles of the whole set are available from the Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, vol. 1 at this link.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece, BIOLOGY, BIOLOGY › Marine Biology, BOTANY, Collected Works: Opera Omnia, PSYCHOLOGY, Zoology, Natural History, Ancient Greek / Roman / Egyptian
  • 7240

Michaelis Ephesii scholia, idest, brevis sed erudita atque utilis interpretatio in IIII. libros Aristotelis De Partibus Animalium. Dominico Monthesauro Veronensi interprete. Nunc primmùm [sic.] in lucem edita.

Basel: Petrus Perna, 1559.

Michael of Ephesus, who completed his commentaries in or after 1138, was one of the principal Aristotelian scholars in a group organized in Constantinople by the Empress Anna Komnena. His commentary was translated into Latin by Domenico Montesauro, a physician of Verona. In the present edition Michael's work is followed (pp. 201-325) by a version in Latin of book I of the original Aristotle, with facing commentary, by the Padua philosophy professor Niccolo Leonico Tomeo (1456-1531). Digital facsimile from the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek at this link.

Subjects: Byzantine Zoology
  • 18
  • 4963
  • 568

The works of Aristotle translated into English. Edited by J.A. Smith and W.D. Ross. 12 vols.

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 19081952.

De motu animalium. De incessu animalium. In his Works, edited by J.A. Smith and W.D. Ross, 5, 698a-714b.Oxford1912. 

De Anima. In his Works… translated into English. Edited by J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross. 3, 402a-35b.Oxford1931.


Aristotle, regarded as the founder of psychology, meant by anima or psyche the living principle which characterizes living substance.


Subjects: BIOLOGY, BIOLOGY › Marine Biology, COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, Collected Works: Opera Omnia, PHYSIOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY, ZOOLOGY, Zoology, Natural History, Ancient Greek / Roman / Egyptian
  • 9075

History of animals. Vol. 1, Books 1-3; Vol. 2, Books 4-6; Vol. 3, Books 7-10. Vols. 1 & 2 edited with an introduction and translated by A. L. Peck; Vol. 3 edited and translated by D. M. Balme.

Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 19651991.

Loeb Classic Library. 

Subjects: BIOLOGY, BIOLOGY › Marine Biology, Zoology, Natural History, Ancient Greek / Roman / Egyptian
  • 7144

Aristotle and Michael of Ephesus on the movement and progression of animals, translated, with Introduction and notes by Anthony Preuss.

Hildesheim & New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 1981.

The Commentaria in de motu et de incessu animalium by the Byzantine writer Michael of Ephesus are the only surviving commentaries in Greek on Aristotle's De motu animalium and De incessu animalium. This edition provides English translations of Aristotle's texts and Michael's commentaries, with detailed explanatory notes for both.

Subjects: Byzantine Zoology, Zoology, Natural History, Ancient Greek / Roman / Egyptian
  • 9098

The complete works of Aristotle. The revised Oxford translation. Edited by Jonathan Barnes. 2 vols.

Princeton, NJ: Bollingen , 1984.

Reprinted with corrections, 1995. "The Oxford Translation of Aristotle was originally published in 12 volumes between 1912 and 1954. It is universally recognized as the standard English version of Aristotle. This revised edition contains the substance of the original Translation, slightly emended in light of recent scholarship; three of the original versions have been replaced by new translations; and a new and enlarged selection of Fragments has been added. The aim of the translation remains the same: to make the surviving works of Aristotle readily accessible to English speaking readers" (Publisher).

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece, Collected Works: Opera Omnia, PSYCHOLOGY, Zoology, Natural History, Ancient Greek / Roman / Egyptian
  • 12145

Aristotle on life and death. By R. A. H. King.

London: Duckworth, 2001.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › History of Ancient Medicine & Biology, BIOLOGY › History of Biology, DEATH & DYING
  • 9076

Aristotle: Historia animalium. Volume 1, Books I-X: Text. Edited by D. M. Balme. Prepared for publication by Allan Gotthelf.

Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

Critical edition based on a collation of the 26 known extant manuscripts and a study of the early Latin translations. Begun by Balme in 1975, with his work towards the Loeb editio minor of books VII–X, this edition includes all ten books, including a very full apparatus criticus. Volume I of the edition contains the complete text of the Historia Animalium, the critical apparatus, and Balme's introduction to the manuscripts, expanded and updated with the assistance of Friederike Berger, and in consultation with the editors of forthcoming editions of the extant medieval translations. 

Subjects: BIOLOGY, BIOLOGY › Marine Biology, Zoology, Natural History, Ancient Greek / Roman / Egyptian
  • 9078

Aristotle: On the parts of the animals I-IV. Translated with commentary by James G. Lennox.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.

Subjects: BIOLOGY, BIOLOGY › Marine Biology, COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, Zoology, Natural History, Ancient Greek / Roman / Egyptian