An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

BONNET, Charles

4 entries
  • 308

Traité d’insectologie.

Paris: Durand, 1745.

This pioneering work on experimental entomology incorporates Bonnet’s most important discovery–parthenogenetic reproduction–based on his study of aphids. Bonnet used the result of this and other discoveries as a basis for speculation about life on earth. This work presents in tabular form his version of the “great chain of being”. Bonnet’s concept of the essential continuity of life, a consequence of his discovery and preformationist interpretation of parthenogenesis, was a major force in the shaping of later evolutionary opinion. See No. 472.

Subjects: BIOLOGY, EMBRYOLOGY › Parthenogenesis, EVOLUTION, ZOOLOGY › Arthropoda › Entomology
  • 13099

Recherches sur l’usage des feuilles dans les plantes, et sur quelques autres sujets relatifs à l’histoire de la végétation.

Göttingen & Leiden: Elie Luzac, 1754.

In his study of plant physiology Bonnet contributed significant research on phototropism. Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Craig W. WhippoRoger P. Hangarter, Phototropism: Bending towards Enlightenment, Published May 2006. DOI:

Subjects: BOTANY
  • 472

Considérations sur les corps organisés. 2 vols.

Amsterdam: M. M. Rey, 1762.

Bonnet’s theory of generation offered the best synthesis of 18th century ideas of development and remained a leading authority until von Baer. Bonnet believed in the preformation of the embryo. He used many of Haller’s arguments to support his own opinions. J. Needham (No.533) calls him an organicistic preformationist, for his objection to epigenesis lay in the fact that it apparently did not allow for the integration of the organism as a whole.

  • 12124

Nature's enigma: The problem of the polyp in the letters of Bonnet, Trembley and Réaumur. By Virginia P. Dawson.

Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1987.

Subjects: BIOLOGY › Regeneration, NATURAL HISTORY › History of Natural History