COWEN, David
Granulomatous encephalomyelitis due to an encephalitozoon (encephalitozoic encephalomyelitis), a new protozoon disease of man.Bull. neurol. Inst. N.Y., 6, 306-71, 1937.Definite recognition of human toxoplasmosis. See also their later paper in the same journal, 1938, 7, 266-83. Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Neuroinfectious Diseases › Encephalitis, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Toxoplasmosis, PARASITOLOGY › Protozoa › Toxoplasma gondii |
Experimental congenital toxoplasmosis. 1. The vagina as a portral of entry of toxoplasma in the mouse. Experimental congenital toxomplasmosis II. Transmission of toxomplasmosis to the placenta and fetus following vaginal infection the the pregnant mouse. Experimental congenital toxoplasmosis III. Toxomplasmosis in the offspring of mice infected by the vaginal route. Incidence and manifestations of the disease.J. Exp. Med., 92, 393-402, 403-16, 417-29, 1950."In 1950 and 1951, Drs. Cowen and Wolf published a series of 5 papers, super-titled, “Experimental Congenital Toxoplasmosis,” in which they demonstrated the intrauterine infection of placenta, fetus, and offspring with Toxoplasma, following its administration to pregnant mice intravaginally. They also elucidated the mechanism of disease transmission and the manifestations of toxoplasmosis in the mothers and in the products of their pregnancies, among other subjects. These investigations, which included the first histological demonstration of toxoplasmosis in the placenta of any species, together with the case reports that came before, brought them international recognition" (Geller, "In Memoriam," J. Neuropath & Exp. Neurol,. 62, 587-89). Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Toxoplasmosis |