HENRIQUES, Francisco da Fonseca
Aquilegio medicinal em que se dá noticia das agoas de caldas, de fontes, rios, poços, lagoas, e cisternas, do Reyno de Portugal, e dos Algarves, que ou pelas virtudes medicinaes, que tem, ou por outra alguma singularidade, são dignas de particular memoria.Lisbon: Na Officina da Musica, 1726.The first inventory of Portuguese hot springs, fountains, rivers, wells, lakes and reservoirs reputed to have medicinal properties, including some with allegedly supernatural powers of healing. For the 337 entries, Fonseca Henriques provided locations and comments on the facilities and the history of the sites. The extensive index by location sorts the waters by what they were reputed to cure, ranging from kidney stones and stomach pains to paralysis, rabies, and venereal disease. (Richard Ramer). Digital facsimile from the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal at this link. Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Portugal, THERAPEUTICS › Balneotherapy |