RUNGE, Friedlieb Ferdinand
2 entries
Neueste phytochemische Entdeckungen zur Begründung einer wissenschaftlichen Phytochemie. 2 vols.Berlin: G. Reimer, 1820 – 1821.On pp. 144-146 of vol. 1 Runge reported the isolation of relatively pure caffeine for the first time. He called it "Kaffebase." Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link. In 1821 the French chemists Pierre-Joseph Pelletier and Joseph Bienaimé Caventou independently isolated caffeine without knowledge of Runge's work. Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Chemistry / Biochemistry, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs › Caffeine |
Ueber einige Producte der Steinkohlendestillation.Ann. Phys. Chem. (Lpz.), 31, 65-77, 513-24; 32, 308-32, 1834.Carbolic acid first prepared from coal-tar. Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Disinfectants |