The catheter ablation technique, pioneered by Gallagher and team.
"This report describes a catheter technique for ablating the His bundle and its application in nine patients with recurrent supraventricular tachycardia that was unresponsive to medical management. A tripolar electrode catheter was positioned in the region of the His bundle, and the electrode recording a large unipolar His-bundle potential was identified. In the first patient, two shocks of 25 and 50 J, respectively, were delivered by a standard cardioversion unit to the catheter electrode, resulting in an intra-His-bundle conduction defect. Subsequent delivery of 300 J resulted in complete heart block. In the next eight patients, an initial shock of 200 J was used. The His bundle was ablated by this single shock in six of these patients and by an additional shock of 300 J in one. In the remaining patient, conduction in the atrioventricular node was modified, resulting in alternating first and second-degree atrioventricular block. A stable escape rhythm was preserved in all patients. The procedure was well tolerated, without complications, and all patients have remained free of arrhythmia, without medication, for follow-up periods of two to six months."