QUINCKE, Heinrich Irenaeus
Ein Fall von Aneurysma der Leberarterie.Berl. klin. Wschr., 8, 349-52, 386, 1871.Quincke observed aneurysm of the hepatic artery in 1870. Subjects: CARDIOLOGY › CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE › Aneurysms |
Ueber akutes umschriebenes Hautödem.Mh. prakt. Derm., 1, 129-31, 1882.Hereditary angioedema is also known as Quincke’s edema, from the latter’s excellent description of it, but he was preceded by several other writers, including Donati (No. 4011.2) and Milton (No. 4070). It is also called “Bannister’s disease”. English translation in No. 2241. Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › HEREDITARY / CONGENITAL DISEASES OR DISORDERS › Hereditary Angioedema |
Die Lumbalpunction des Hydrocephalus.Berl. klin. Wschr., 28, 929-33, 965-68, 1891.Quincke popularized lumbar puncture, which he had introduced independently of Wynter and others. He used it both for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. He first presented his method at the German Congress of Internal Medicine (Verb. Congr. inn. Med., 1891, 10, 321-31). Subjects: NEUROSURGERY › Spine |
Ueber Amöben-Enteritis.Berl. Klin. Wschr., 30, 1089-94, 1893.Entamoeba histolytica distinguished from Entamoeba coli. English translation in Kean (No. 2268.1). Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Amoebiasis |