An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

GUINTER VON ANDERNACH, Johannes [Johannes Guinterius; Johannes Winter; Jean Guenther]

8 entries
  • 13148

Claudii Galeni ... Liber de plenitudine. Polybus De salubri victus ratione privatorum. Guinterio Ioanne Andernaco interprete. Apuleius Platonicus De herbarum virtutibus. Antonii Benivenii Libellus de abditis nonnullis ac mirandis morboru & sanitationum causis.

Paris: Christian Wechel, 1528.

First separate edition of Galen's Liber de plenitudine and Polybus's De salubri victus ratione privatorum, edited by Johan Guinter von Andernach. Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

  • 11083

De compositione medicamentorum... lib VII per Ioannem Guinterium Andernacum imprimum latinitate donati. Eiusdem De ponderibus & mensuris liber, D. Andrea Alciato interprete.

Basel : Andreas Cratander, 1530.

First separate edition in Latin of Galen's De compositione medicamentorum, On the Composition of medicines, translated by Johann Winter of Andernach, to which was added Galen's treatise on weights and measures translated by humanist Andrea Alciato. 

Durling cites another edition of Guinter's translation published in Paris by Simon de Colines, also in 1530.

  • 359

De anatomicis administrationibus libri novem.

Paris: apud Simonem Colinaeum, 1531.

First separate printed edition in Latin, translated by Johann Guinter von Andernach, of Galen's dissection manual, in which Galen both described his dissection techniques and described anatomical details that were previously unknown. Guinter was able to translate the first eight and one-half books, which survived in Greek, of Galen's original text which was written in 15 books. For the remaining portions of this work, which survived in Arabic, and were unknown in the 16th century, see Simon's edition, No. 360. Some authorities date Colines's edition as 1532. Guinter's translation also appeared in Basel from the press of Andreas Cratander in 1531 with Guinter's translations of 3 other works by Galen as Claudii Galeni Pergameni De anatomicis administrationibus libri novem ; De constitutione artis medicae liber ; De Theriaca, ad Pisonem commentariolus ; De pulsibus, ad medicinae candidatos liber. Digital facsimile of the Cratander edition from Google Books at this link.

Galen’s anatomical writings are a repository of all contemporary knowledge, together with some of his own views and discoveries. He had a good knowledge of osteology and myology, some knowledge of angiology and less of zoology. Although not to be regarded as the founder of the science of anatomy, he is nevertheless its first important witness. English translation: On anatomical procedures. De anatomicis administrationibus. Translation of the surviving books with introduction and notes by Charles Singer (1956). See also De anatomicis administrationibus, libri i-ix. In Galen's Opera omnia ed. cur. C. G. KÜHN, 2 (1821) 215-731.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 16th Century, ANATOMY › Ancient Anatomy (BCE to 5th Century CE), ANCIENT MEDICINE › Roman Empire, COMPARATIVE ANATOMY
  • 9366

Caelii Aureliani methodici Sicensis liber celerum vel acutarum passionum, qua licuit diligentia recognitus, atque nunc primum in lucem aeditus.

Paris: Simon de Colines, 1533.

Caelius's / Soranus's Treatise on acute diseases, edited by Johannes Guinter von Andernach. From a clinical point of view, the two works of Caelius Aurelianus, which were translated into Latin from Greek originals by Soranus of Ephesus that were later lost, represent the high-point of Graeco-Roman medical achievement. Soranus (fl. circa 150 CE), was the chief representative of the methodic school of medicine. Besides his writings on gynecology and obstetrics that survived, Soranus left works on chronic and acute maladies—Tardae or Chronicae passiones, in five books, and Celeres or Acutae passiones in three books, which were preserved through Caelius's translations. The Latin translations show that Soranus possessed considerable practical skill in the diagnosis of both ordinary and exceptional diseases. The translations are also important for their references to the methods of earlier medical authorities. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece, ANCIENT MEDICINE › Roman Empire
  • 7204

Institutiones anatomicae secundum Galeni sententiam.

Paris: Simon de Colines, 1536.

A handbook presenting the principles of Galenic anatomy in a form that was easily accessible to medical students. It epitomized the revolution in the teaching of anatomy, and the new emphasis on dissection, that occurred in Paris after the publication of the Greek texts of Galen's anatomical works in the Aldine edition of 1525 (See No. 27). Guinter had previously translated Galen's manual of anatomical procedures from the Greek as De anatomicis administrationibus libri novem (1531). (See No. 359). Regarding the impact of the availability of Galen's writings in Greek see Vivian Nutton, John Caius and the manuscripts of Galen, Cambridge: Cambridge Philological Society,1987, and Nutton, “André Vésale et l’anatomie parisienne,” Cahiers de l’Association Internationale des Études Françaises 55 (2003) 239–249. In 1538 Vesalius issued a substantially revised version of Guinter's manual, without Guinter's permission, in a pocket (16mo) format entitled Institutionum anatomicarum secundum Galeni sententiam ad candidatos medicinae....(Venice: D. Bernardinus, 1538.) 

Subjects: ANATOMY › 16th Century
  • 9091

Guenter von Andernach: Institutionum anatomicarum secundum Galeni sententiam ad candidatos medicinae libri quatuor per Joannem Guinterium Andernacum medicum ab Andrea Vesalio Bruxellensi auctiores & emendatiores redditi.

Venice: D. Bernardinus, 1538.

Shortly after the publication of Tabulae anatomicae sex, Vesalius completed this revision of Institutiones anatomicae, a Galenic anatomical text by his teacher Johann Guinter first published in 1536. Vesalius justified his new edition by citing the numerous typographical errors in the original; however, he also incorporated much new material detailing the minutiae of dissection and offering several independent anatomical judgments. These included the anti-Galenic observation that the cardiac systole is synchronous with the arterial pulse, an observation he would discuss again in his venesection epistle.

This work was edited with an English translation, and notes from Vesalius's own copy, by Vivian Nutton, in 2017. See No. 9092.

Subjects: ANATOMY › 16th Century
  • 6013.1

Gynaeciorum commentarius, de gravidarum parturientium, puerperarum & infantium, cura… Accessit elenchus auctorum in re medica cluentium, qui gynaecia scriptis clararunt & illustrarunt. Opera e studio Joan. Georgii Schenkii …

Strassburg, Austria: Impensis Lazari Zetzneri, 1606.

Schenck compiled the first bibliography of gynecology, entitled Pinax auctorum in re medica, Graecorum, Latinorum priscorum, Arabum Latinobarbarorum, Latinorum recentiorum, tum & peregrinis liniguis cluentium, Exstantium, MS. promissorum vel desidetatorum: qui gynaecia, sive muliebria plento argumento sive ex instituto scriptis exceluerunt & illustrarunt. It covered writings on the subject from the earliest times to the beginning of the 17th century. This he appended to his posthumous first edition of Guinter’s treatise on gynecology. Neither Guinter's nor Schenck's work was particularly long; the entire book contains 56 pages, of which Schenck's bibliography occupies pp. 37-56. Digital facsimile of the author's presentation copy to H. Rapp from the Internet Archive at this link.

  • 9092

Principles of anatomy according to the opinion of Galen by Johann Guinter and Andreas Vesalius. Edited [with an English translation] by Vivian Nutton.

London & New York: Routledge, 2017.

The first translation into English of Johann Guinter’s textbook as revised and annotated by Guinter’s student, Andreas Vesalius, in 1538. Despite Vesalius’ fame as an anatomist, his 1538 revision has attracted almost no attention. However, this new translation shows the significant rewrites and additional information added to the original based on his own dissections. 250 newly discovered manuscript annotations by Vesalius himself, preserved in his own copy of the book and published here in full for the first time, also show his working methods and ideas. 

Subjects: ANATOMY › 16th Century