An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

ROWNTREE, Leonard George

7 entries
  • 1896

On the pharmacological action of some phthaleins and their derivatives.

J. Pharmacol., 1, 231-64, 1909.

This work led to the universal clinical use of phenolsulphonephthalein in renal function tests and of phenoltetrachlorphthalein in hepatic function tests.

Subjects: NEPHROLOGY › Renal Physiology › Tests for Kidney Function
  • 4236

An experimental and clinical study of the functional activity of the kidneys by means of phenolsulphonephthalein.

J. Pharmacol., 1, 579-661, 1910.

The phenolsulphonephthalein kidney-function test.

Subjects: NEPHROLOGY › Renal Physiology › Tests for Kidney Function
  • 741.2

On the removal of diffusible substances from the circulating blood of living animals by dialysis.

J. Pharmacol., 5, 275-316, 1914.

Hemodialysis. See also No. 1976. Preliminary communication in Trans Ass. Amer. Phycns., 1913, 28, 51-4.

"Together with L.G. Rowntree and B.B. Turner, Abel devised what they called a "vividiffusion" apparatus, consisting of a series of tubes surrounded by fluid. They first demonstrated the apparatus at the Physiological Congress in Groningen in 1914.[9] By allowing arterial blood to enter at one end of the connection, and later return to circulation through the venous connection after dialysis, they were able to demonstrate the existence of free amino acids in blood. By isolating these amino acids from blood circulation, Abel conducted various subsequent researches on the structure of proteins in the blood. Not only did Abel use the apparatus for his research work, he also realized the great clinical potential such dialysis machine would have on managing the damaging effects of renal failure.[10] The vividiffusion apparatus Abel devised is the precursor to the modern day dialysis machine" (Wikipedia article on John Jacob Abel, accessed 08-2017).

Subjects: BIOCHEMISTRY, NEPHROLOGY › Renal Disease › Dialysis
  • 1976

Plasma removal with return of corpuscles (plasmaphaeresis).

J. Pharmacol., 5, 625-41, 1914.

Report of a method of removal of plasma from the living animal, with return of the corpuscles after washing and separation by centrifugalization. See the authors' earlier papers in the same journal, 1914, 5, 275-316, 611-23.

  • 903

A method for the determination of plasma and blood volume.

Arch. Intern. Med., 16, 547-76, 1915.

Keith, Rowntree, and Geraghty devised a method for determination of plasma and blood volume, which includes the injection of a dye.

  • 3194.1

Roentgenography of the lung: Roentgenographic studies in living animals after intratracheal injection of iodoform emulsion.

Arch. int. Med., 19, 538-49, 1917.

Experimental introduction of iodoform (lipiodol) into the bronchial tree in dogs, obtaining satisfactory bronchograms. 

Subjects: IMAGING › X-ray, PULMONOLOGY › Bronchoscopy
  • 4199

Roentgenography of the urinary tract during excretion of sodium iodide.

J. Amer. med. Assoc., 80, 368-73, 1923.

First use of sodium iodide in uretero-pyelography. With C. G. Sutherland and A. J. Scholl. 

Subjects: IMAGING › X-ray, UROLOGY