BRAUER, Ludolph
3 entries
Ueber chronich adhäsive Mediastino-Perikarditis und deren Behandlung.Münch. med. Wschr., 49, 1072, 1732, 1902.Brauer was first to suggest the operation of cardiolysis, a procedure carried out by Petersen. Subjects: CARDIOVASCULAR (Cardiac) SURGERY |
Die Behandlung der einseitigen Lungenphthisis mit künstlichem Pneumothorax (nach Murphy).Münch, med. Wschr., 53, 338-39, 1906.Brauer’s method of producing artificial pneumothorax by the injection of nitrogen. Subjects: RESPIRATION › Respiratory Diseases |
Indications du traitement chirurgical de la tuberculose pulmonaire.Congr. Ass. franç. Chir., 21, 569-74, 1908.First radical thoracoplasty. Subjects: PULMONOLOGY › Lung Diseases › Pulmonary Tuberculosis, PULMONOLOGY › Thoracic Surgery |