SEMON, Sir Felix
2 entries
Clinical remarks on the proclivity of the abductor fibres of the recurrent laryngeal nerve to become affected sooner than the adductor fibres, or even exclusively, in cases of undoubted central or peripheral injury or disease of the roots or trunks of the pneumogastric, spinal accessory, or recurrent nerves.Arch. Laryng. (N.Y.), 2, 197-222, 1881.“Semon’s law”. Of German birth, Semon became one of the greatest laryngologists in Britain. He developed the modern operation of laryngofissure for early cancer of the larynx. Subjects: ONCOLOGY & CANCER, OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (Ear, Nose, Throat) › Laryngology |
A typical case of myxoedema.Brit. med. J., 2, 1072, 1883.Semon argued that cachexia strumipriva, myxedema, and cretinism were all due to loss of function of the thyroid. His contention, at first criticized, was later fully endorsed by the report of a committee set up by the Clinical Society of London to investigate the subject of myxoedema. Subjects: ENDOCRINOLOGY › Thyroid |