An Interactive Annotated World Bibliography of Printed and Digital Works in the History of Medicine and the Life Sciences from Circa 2000 BCE to 2024 by Fielding H. Garrison (1870-1935), Leslie T. Morton (1907-2004), and Jeremy M. Norman (1945- ) Traditionally Known as “Garrison-Morton”

16077 entries, 14165 authors and 1948 subjects. Updated: March 4, 2025

Browse by Entry Number 13000–13099

101 entries
  • 13000

Reading the book of nature in the Dutch golden age, 1575-1715.

Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2010.

A revised and translated version of Het Boeck der natuere. nederlandse geleerden en de wonderen van Gods schepping, 1575-1716, Leiden: Brill, 2006.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Netherlands, NATURAL HISTORY › History of Natural History
  • 13001

Museum Heineanum: Verzeichniss der ornithologischen Sammlung des Oberamtmann Ferdinand Heine, auf Gut St. Burchard vor Halberstadt, mit kritischen Anmerkungen und Beschreibung der neuen Arten, systematisch bearbeitet von Jean Cabanis. 4 vols.

Halberstadt: In Commission bei R. Frantz, 18501863.

Heine collected the largest private collection of birds in the mid-19th century. His collection of 27,000 specimens and 15,000 books is preserved the Heineanum Halberstadt Museum in Halberstadt. Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: MUSEUMS › Natural History Museums / Wunderkammern, ZOOLOGY › Ornithology
  • 13002

Ueber das Erythroxylin, dargestellt aus den Blättern des in Südamerika cultivirten Strauches Erythroxylon Coca Lam.

Arch. d. Pharmazie, 132, 141-150, 1855.

Gaedcke, a chemist and pharmacologist, was the first to isolate the cocaine aklaloid.

Subjects: PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Botanic Sources of Single Component Drugs › Coca
  • 13003

Zur anästhesierung des plexus brachialis.

Zentralbl. Chir., 38, 1337-40, 1911.

Kullenkampff performed the first percutaneous supraclavicular block. "Just as his older colleague August Bier (1861–1949) had done with spinal anesthesia in 1898,[24] Kulenkampff subjected himself to the supraclavicular block" (Wikipedia article on Brachial plexus block, accessed 6-2020).

  • 13004

Herbier ou collection des plantes médicinales de la Chine: D'après un manuscrit peint et unique qui se trouve dans la Bibliothèque de l'Empereur de la Chine, pour servir suitte [sic] à la collection des fleurs qui se cultivent dans les Jardins de la Chine et de l'Europe.

Paris: chez l'Auteur, 1781.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: BOTANY › Medical Botany, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › China, People's Republic of, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines
  • 13005

Early European researches into the flora of China.

Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1881.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: BOTANY › History of Botany, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › China, People's Republic of
  • 13006

Botanicon sinicum: Notes on Chinese botany from native and western sources. 3 parts.

London: Trübner & Co. & Kelly & Walsh, 18821895.

Part 1 was first published in the Journal of the North-China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, XVI (1881). Part 2 was published in the Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society for 1890-91, XXV (1893). Part 3 was also published in the Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society for 1894-95, XXIX, 1895.
Digital facsimiles of all three parts from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: BOTANY, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › China, People's Republic of
  • 13007

Nouvelle méthode facile et curieuse, pour apprendre par les notes de musique à connoître le pous de l'homme, & les différens changemens qui lui arrivent, depuis sa naissance jusqu'a sa mort, tirée des observations faite par M. F. N. Marquet, Docteur en medecine, ancient medecin ord. du feû Duc Leopold, & Doyen des medecins de Nancy.

Nancy: De l'Imprimerie de la Veuve de N. Balthazard, 1747.

Osler, whose copy is recorded in Bibliotheca Osleriana 3335, quoted a previous owner's comment on this edition: "A curious and uncommon book. The author, in claiming to judge of the state of the pulse by its resemblance to musical rhythms, has given freer play to his imagination than to any exact observation.... "The book includes graphic representation of pulses in terms of musical notation.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: Music and Medicine
  • 13008

Nouvelle méthode facile et curieuse pour connoitre le pouls par les notes de la musique, par feu M.F.N. Marquet. Seconde édition, augmentée de plusieurs observations et réflexions critiques, & d'une dissertation en forme de thèse sur cette méthode; d'un mémoire sur la manière de guérir la mélancholie par la musique, & de l'éloge historique de M. Marquet. Par Pierre-Joseph Buc'hoz.

Paris & Amsterdam: P.-F. Didot, 1769.

Buc'hoz applied his father-in-laws theories of music therapy to the treatment of depression. Digital facsimile from at this link.

Subjects: Music and Medicine, PSYCHIATRY › Depression
  • 13009

Monochordon symbolico-biomanticum. Abstrusissimam pulsuum doctrinam, ex harmoniis musicis dilucidè, figurisq[ue] oculariter demonstrans, de causis & prognosticis inde promulgandis fideliter instruens, & jucundè per Medicam praxin resonans.

Ulm: Balthasar Kühn, 1640.

Hafenreffer believed that the sound of music could assist in regulating an abnormal pulse by means of vibrating air. His book included graphic representations of irregular pulses. Digital facsimile from Bayerische Staatsbibliothek at this link.

Subjects: Music and Medicine
  • 13010

Perilous chastity: Women and illness in Pre-Enlightenment art and medicine.

Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2019.

"Bearing such titles as The Doctor's Visit or The Lovesick Maiden, certain seventeenth-century Dutch paintings are familiar to museum browsers: an attractive young woman—well dressed, but pale and listless—reclines in a chair, languishes in bed, or falls to the floor in a faint. Weathered crones or impish boys leer suggestively in the background. These paintings traditionally have been viewed as commentary on quack doctors or unmarried pregnant women. The first book to examine images of women and illness in the light of medical history, Perilous Chastity reveals a surprising new interpretation....

"Dixon suggests how the assumptions of a predominantly male medical establishment have influenced prevailing notions of women's social place. She traces the evolution of the belief that women's illnesses were caused by "hysteria," so named in ancient Greece after the notion that the uterus had a tendency to wander in the body. All women were considered prone to hysteria-strong emotions, idleness, intellectual activity, or unladylike pursuits could cause it—but it was most commonly diagnosed among celibates. Analyzing paintings of women's sickrooms by Jan Steen, Dirck Hals, Gabriel Metsu, Jacob Ochtervelt, Godfried Schalcken, Samuel van Hoogstraten, and Franz van Mieris, Dixon perceives metaphoric identifications of the womb as the source of illness. She also documents changing fashions in cures for hysteria and discusses allusions to the debilitating effects of women's passions not only in paintings, but also in madrigals by John Dowland and Henry Purcell.

"In conclusion, Dixon argues that her study has strong ramifications of attitudes towards women and illness today. She takes up images in twentieth-century culture as well and calls attention to a resurgence of female "hysteria" after World War II" (publisher).

Subjects: ART & Medicine & Biology, WOMEN in Medicine & the Life Sciences, Publications About, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 2000 -
  • 13011

Aldrovandus Lotharingiae, ou catalogue des animaux, quardupedes, reptiles, oseaux, poissons, insectes, vermisseaux et coquillages qui habitent la Lorraine et les Trois-Évechés.

Paris: Chez Fetil, 1771.

A catalogue of "over 1100 quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, worms and mollusks native to Lorraine. Buc’hoz follows the classification schemes of Argenville, Brisson, Buffon, Daubenton and Geoffroy, and often highlights SPECIES’ GASTRONOMIC AND MEDICINAL USES. After the catalog of fauna he gives a WHO’S WHO OF ANATOMICAL SPECIMEN AMATEURS AND INVENTORIES THE CONTENTS OF THREE PRIVATE CURIOSITY CABINETS formed by local collectors — abbé Besse, apothecary Jean-Baptiste Bécœur (1718-77) and lawyer Jean-Baptiste Villiez....Buc’hoz offers the only account of Villiez’s Wunderkammer with some 1600 specimens of shells, fossils, an 8-foot narwhal tusk, stunning coral, a Nile crocodile, precious gems, NEW WORLD BEETLES and a rhino horn" (Bruce McKittrick, Short Stack 51 (2020) no. 2).

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › France, MUSEUMS › Natural History Museums / Wunderkammern, NATURAL HISTORY, ZOOLOGY
  • 13012

Exploring Greek manuscripts in the library at Wellcome Collection in London. Edited by Petros Bouras-Vallianatos.

London: Routledge, 2020.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Manuscripts & Philology, BYZANTINE MEDICINE › History of Byzantine Medicine
  • 13013

A synopsis of the birds of North America.

Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black & London: Longman, Rees, Brown, Green, and Longman, 1839.

This was Audubon's extensively annotated systematic index, or a kind of scientific outline, to the double elephant folio, Birds of America. With 359 pages it amounted to a separate work, and could be studied without access to the images.  Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: ZOOLOGY › Ornithology
  • 13014

Journals of two expeditions of discovery in North-West and Western Australia, during the years 1837, 38, and 39...describing many new discovered, important, and fertile districts, with observations on the moral and physical conditions of the aboriginal inhabitants, &c. &c. 2 vols.

London: T. and W. Boone, 1841.

"In 1837, at the age of 25, Grey led an ill-prepared expedition that explored North-West Australia. British settlers in Australia at the time knew little of the region and only one member of Grey's party had been there before. It was believed possible at that time that one of the world's largest rivers might drain into the Indian Ocean in North-West Australia; if that were found to be the case, the region it flowed through might be suitable for colonisation. Grey, with Lieutenant Franklin Lushington, of the 9th (East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot, offered to explore the region. On 5 July 1837, they sailed from Plymouth in command of a party of five, the others being Lushington; Dr William Walker, a surgeon and naturalist; and Corporals John Coles and Auger of the Royal Sappers and Miners. Others joined the party at Cape Town, and early in December they landed at Hanover Bay (west of Uwins Island in the Bonaparte Archipelago). Travelling south, the party traced the course of the Glenelg River. After experiencing boat wrecks, near-drowning, becoming completely lost, and Grey himself being speared in the hip during a skirmish with Aboriginal people, the party gave up. After being picked up by HMS Beagle and the schooner Lynher, they were taken to Mauritius to recover.[5][10][11][12]

"Two years later, Grey returned to Western Australia and was again wrecked with his party, again including Surgeon Walker, at Kalbarri; they were the first Europeans to see the Murchison River, but then had to walk to Perth, surviving the journey through the efforts of Kaiber, a Whadjuk Noongar man (that is, indigenous to the Perth region), who organised food and what water could be found (they survived by drinking liquid mud). At about this time, Grey learnt the Noongar language.[5][13][14][15] 

(Wikipedia article on George Grey, accessed 7-2020).

From the standpoint of human origins this work is notable for containing the first illustrations of rock art reproduced as 4 plates in vol. 1 (pp. 201-204, 213-215), 3 of which were printed in color. See A. P. Elkin, "Grey's Nothern Kimberley cave-paintings re-found," Oceania, 19 (1948) 1-15. These were aboriginal rock art works, dated in 2020 at 12,000+-500 years old, now known as Wandjina style art
Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Australia, EVOLUTION › Human Origins / Human Evolution, VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists › History of Voyages & Travels by Physicians....
  • 13015

Medicine at Monte Cassino: Constantine the African and the oldest manuscript of his Pantegni.

Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2019.
"Medicine at Monte Cassino offers unprecedented insights into the revolutionary arrival of Arabic medicine to medieval Europe by exploring the oldest manuscript of Constantine the African’s Pantegni, which is identified here, for the first time, as a product of the skilled team of scribes and scholars working directly under the supervision of Constantine himself at the eleventh-century abbey of Monte Cassino.

"Fleeing his North-African homeland for Italy, Constantine the African arrived in Salerno and then joined the abbey of Monte Cassino south of Rome in c. 1077. He dedicated his life to the translation of more than two dozen medical texts from Arabic into Latin. These great efforts produced the first substantial written body of medical theory and practice in medieval Europe. His most important contribution, an encyclopedia he called the Pantegni (The Complete Art), was translated and adapted from the Complete Book of the Medical Art by the Persian physician ‘Ali ibn al-‘Abbās al-Mağūsī (d. 982). This monograph focuses on the oldest manuscript of the Pantegni,Theorica, which represents a work-in-progress with numerous unusual features.

"This study, for the first time, identifies Monte Cassino as the origin of this oldest Pantegni manuscript, and asserts that it was made during Constantine’s lifetime. It further demonstrates how a skilled team of scribes and scholars assisted the translator in the complex process of producing this Latin version of the Arabic text. Several members of this production team are identified, both in the Pantegni manuscript and in other copies of Cassinese manuscripts.

"The book breaks new ground by identifying a range of manuscripts produced at Monte Cassino under Constantine’s direct supervision, as evidenced by their material features, script, and contents. In rare detail, this study explores some of the challenges met by ‘Team Constantine’ as they sought to reveal new knowledge to the West, which in turn revolutionized medical understanding throughout medieval Europe" (publisher).

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Manuscripts & Philology, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Italy › Schola Medica Salernitana, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › Medieval Islamic or Arab Medicine
  • 13016

Bibliography on medieval women, gender, and medicine 1980-2009. (Latest update: February 2, 2010).

Digital Library of Sciè, February 2010, Universitat de Barcelona, 2010.

 "This bibliography comprises all the entries that appeared in the bibliography on “Women and Medicine” that I published periodically in the Medieval Feminist Forum (formerly, Medieval Feminist Newsletter) from 1990 to 2004. The previously published entries have been merged into a single alphabetical list by author, and some editorial commentary has been updated or modified. I have added items that were previously overlooked or that date before the original dates covered, and I have added new material published up through 2009, including a few items that cross over into the early modern period since they carry forward issues that began in the late Middle Ages. Multiple entries for a single author are listed chronologically by date of publication. For cross-referencing, I have used the author’s last name and date, with multiple entries for a single year being distinguished by added alphabetical sigla (e.g., 2007a, 2007b). At the end, I have added a summary listing of all those works that include edited primary sources (noting English translations where they are included); these will be especially useful for teaching purposes. This bibliography is intended for free use, but please note that the editorial commentary should be properly credited if cited elsewhere."

Green's extensive footnotes to this introductory paragraph may be found in the online publication at:

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Specific Subjects, DIGITAL RESOURCES, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › History of Medieval Medicine, WOMEN in Medicine & the Life Sciences, Publications About, WOMEN, Publications by › Years 2000 -
  • 13017

The English parson-naturalist: A companionship between science and religion.

Leominster, Hertfordshire, England: Gracewing, 2000.

Subjects: NATURAL HISTORY › History of Natural History, RELIGION & Medicine & the Life Sciences, RELIGION & Medicine & the Life Sciences › Natural Theology
  • 13018

Geographers biobibliographical studies. Vols. 1-38

London: Bloomsbury Academic, 19772019.

Annual volumes edited by a changing group of experts. Ongoing.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Specific Subjects, BIOGRAPHY (Reference Works), Biogeography › History of Biogeography
  • 13019

Du masque opératoire. Thèse presentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de Médecine du Montpellier....

Montpellier: Imprimerie Gustave Firmin, Montane et Sicardi, 1903.

The medical thesis on medical and surgical masks by a woman medical student at Montpellier, who, as indicated on the title page, was born in Witebsk, Russia in 1876. She was also characterized as "Mlle." The thesis includes some remarkable illustrations of early mask styles, and a bibliography of the earliest literature on the topic.
Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Sepsis / Antisepsis, SURGERY: General › Antisepsis / Asepsis
  • 13020

Epidemic disease in fifteenth century England: The medical response and the demographic consequences.

Leicester, England: Leicester University Press, 1978.

Subjects: EPIDEMIOLOGY › History of Epidemiology, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Flea-Borne Diseases › Plague (transmitted by fleas from rats to humans) › Plague, History of, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › England
  • 13021

The Black Death: Natural and human disaster in medieval Europe.

London: Robert Hale, 1983.

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES › Flea-Borne Diseases › Plague (transmitted by fleas from rats to humans) › Plague, History of, MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › History of Medieval Medicine
  • 13022

Botanicon parisiense, ou, denombrement par ordre alphabetique des plantes, qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris... Avec plusieurs descriptions des plantes, leurs synonymes, le tems de fleurir & de grainer et une critique des auteurs de botanique... Enrich de plus de trois cents figures, dessinées par le Sieur Claud Aubriet, peintre du Cabinet du Roy.

Leiden & Amsterdam: Jean & Herman Verbeek & Balthazar Lakeman, 1727.

The result of 36 years of work by Vaillant, published by Herman Boerhaave after Vaillant's death. A pioneer in the study of the sexuality of plants, Vaillant introduced the terms stamen, ovary, and egg with respect to plant anatomy.

Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: BOTANY
  • 13023

A cultural history of the human body. Edited by Linda Kalof and William Bynum. 6 vols.

London: Berg Publishers, 2010.
 "A Cultural History of The Human Body presents an authoritative survey from ancient times to the present. This set of six volumes covers 2800 years of the human body as a physical, social, spiritual and cultural object.

"Each volume discusses the same themes in its chapters:
1. Birth and Death
2. Health and Disease
3. Sex & Sexuality
4. Medical Knowledge and Technology
5. Popular Beliefs
6. Beauty and Concepts of the Ideal
7. Marked Bodies I: Gender, Race, Class, Age, Disability and Disease
8. Marked Bodies II: the Bestial, the Divine and the Natural
9. Cultural Representations of the Body
10. The Self and Society

"Volume 1: A Cultural History of the Human Body in Antiquity (750 BCE - 1000 CE)
Edited by Daniel Garrison, Northwestern University
Volume 2: A Cultural History of the Human Body in The Medieval Age (500 - 1500) Edited by Linda Kalof, Michigan State University
Volume 3: A Cultural History of the Human Body in the Renaissance (1400 - 1650)
Edited by Linda Kalof, Michigan State University and William Bynum, University College London
Volume 4: A Cultural History of the Human Body in the Enlightenment (1650 - 1800)
Edited by Carole Reeves, Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine, University College London.
Volume 5: A Cultural History of the Human Body in the Age of Empire (1800 - 1920)
Edited by Michael Sappol, National Library of Medicine in Washington, DC, and Stephen P. Rice, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Volume 6: A Cultural History of the Human Body in the Modern Age (1900-21st Century)
Edited by Ivan Crozier, University of Edinburgh" (publisher).

Subjects: Social or Sociopolitical Histories of Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 13024

Vesalius: The China Root epistle. A new translation and critical edition, edited and translated by Daniel H. Garrison, with added illustrations from the 1543 and 1555 De humani corporis fabrica.

New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015.

  • 13025

Historiae naturalis de quadrupetibus libri: Cum aeneis figuris; [Historiae naturalis de serpentibus libri II; Historiae naturalis de insectis libri III; Historiae naturalis de exanguibus aquaticis libri IV; Historiae naturalis de piscibus et cetis libri V; Historiae naturalis de avibus libri VI].

Frankfurt am Main: Mathias Merian, 16501653.

This work, which was a major expansion and reworking of material that Jonston originally outlined in his Thaumatographia naturalis (1632), was both illustrated and published by Matthäus Merian. Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

  • 13026

A poetical petition against tractorising trumpery and the Perkinistic institution: In four cantos. Most respectfully addressed to the Royal College of Physicians.

London: Printed for T. Hurst and J. Ginger by T. Bensley, 1803.

This medical satire in doggerel verse, which was ostensibly an attack on Perkins' metallic tractors, or "Perkinism" was actually written in support of them. The work was best known for its second and greatly expanded illustrated edition--the form in which it was reprinted in England and America through the 1830s: Terrible Tractoration!! A poetical Petition against galvanising Trumpery, and the Perkinistic Institution. In four Cantos. Most respectfully addressed to the Royal College of Physicians, by Christopher Caustic … Second Edition, with great Additions issued by the same publishers later in 1803.
Digital facsimile of the 1803 London second edition from the Hathi Trust at this link,
Digital facsimile of the first American edition (1804) reprinting the second London edition with additional illustrations, from the U.S. National Library of Medicine at this link.

Subjects: LITERATURE / Philosophy & Medicine & Biology › Poetry , Quackery
  • 13027

Kanon der Erdbestrahlung und seine Anwendung auf das Eiszeitenproblem.

Belgrade: Royal Serbian Academy, 1941.

Milanković’s masterwork on his astronomical theory of climate, which brought together all the mathematical elements underlying the theory of “Milanković cycles.” Milanković cycles are cyclical changes in a planet’s climate caused by the variations in its orbit, which affect the amount of solar radiation (insolation) the planet receives. On Earth these variations have played a decisive role in initiating the growth of glaciers, leading to at least five major periods of significantly colder temperatures (ice ages).

There have been two English transations:

Canon of insolation and the ice-age problem. English translation by the Israel Program for Scientific Translations. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce and National Science Foundation, 1969.

Canon of insolation and the ice-age problem. Pantic, N. editor, Belgrade: Zavod Nastavna Sredstva, 1998.

This theory was further developed to the point where it received widespread acceptance by James D. Hays, John Imbrie, and Nicholas Shackleton in their paper Variations in the Earth's Orbit: Pacemaker of the Ice Ages", Science 194, Issue 4270 (1976) 1121-1132. Using ocean sediment cores, their paper confirmed that oscillations in climate can be correlated with Earth's orbital variations of eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession around the Sun.

Subjects: BIOLOGY › Ecology / Environment, Bioclimatology
  • 13028

De balneis. Add: Francesco da Siena: Dicta de balneo Petrioli. Bonaventura de Castello: Recepta aquae balnei de Porrecta.

Padua: Johannes de Reno, 1473.

First printed edition of da Foligno's treatise on bathing together with the first printing with a definite date of Castelli's work. ISTC No. ig00133000. Remarkably the ISTC cites two different separate undated printings of Bonaventura de Castello's work on the baths of Porretta both published about 1473. This dated edition also included a text by Francesco da Siena on the baths of Petrioli. These were among the earliest printings of texts concerning bathing, and very early printings on any medical subject. They probably served commercial purposes in advertising the baths as well as providing therapeutic advice.
Digital facsimile from Bayerische StaatsBibliothek at this link.

Subjects: THERAPEUTICS › Balneotherapy
  • 13029

Dermatology for skin of color.

New York: McGraw-Hill Education / Medical, 2009.

"... the first comprehensive reference for this subspecialty, ranging from the historic and cultural to the clinical and basic science components....More than 600 full-color photographs of preoperative and postoperative photographs foster the visual recognition of dermatologic diagnostics, and the text proves an excellent diagnostic reference for clinicians presented with puzzling dermatologic lesions."-JAMA.

  • 13030

The American hospital of the twentieth century: A treatise on the development of medical institutions, both in Europe and in America, since the beginning of the present century.

New York: Architectural Record Publishing Company, 1918.

An architect, Stevens wrote from the hospital designer's point of view. Digital facsimile of the 1921 edition from the U.S. National Library of Medicine at this link.

Subjects: HOSPITALS, HOSPITALS › History of Hospitals
  • 13031

Das Martyrium der heiligen Apollonia und seine Darstellung in der bildenden Kunst.

Berlin: Verlag von Hermann Meusser, 1915.

Illustrates with 100 plates various early depictions of the martyrdom of St. Apollonia, patron saint of dentistry. Saint Apollonia was one of a group of virgin martyrs who suffered in Alexandria, Egypt during a local uprising against the Christians prior to the persecution of Decius. According to church tradition, her torture included having all of her teeth violently pulled out or shattered. For this reason, she is regarded as the patroness of dentistry and of those suffering from toothache or other dental problems.

Subjects: ART & Medicine & Biology, DENTISTRY › History of Dentistry, RELIGION & Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 13032

The boys in white: The experience of a hospital agent in and around Washington.

New York: Lange & Hillman, 1870.

An account of the author's experiences as a nurse working in Washington, D.C. hospitals during the U.S. Civil War. Wheelock became known as the "Florence Nightingale of Michigan." Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

  • 13033

Animal species and evolution.

Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1963.

Condensed and extensively revised as Populations, species and evolution. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1970.

  • 13034

The Linnaeus Apostles. Global science & adventure. 8 vols. in 11. General editor: Lars Hansen.

London: The IK Foundation & Company, 20072010.

Vol. 1: Introduction
Vol. 2: Europe, Arctic & Asia. Anton Rolandsson Martin, Johan Peter Falck
Vol. 3: Europe, North & South America. Pehr Kalm, Pehr Löfling, Daniel Rolander
Vol. 4: Europe, Middle East, North East & West Africa. Göran Rothman, Fredrik Hasselquist, Peter Forsskäl, Andreas Berlin, Adam Afzelius.
Vol. 5: Southern Africa, Oceania, Antarctica & South America. Anders Sparrman.
Vol. 6: Europe, Southern Africa, East, Southern & Southeast Asia. Carl Peter Thunberg.
Vol. 7: Europe, Southern Africa, Oceania, South America, East, Southern & Southeast Asia. Pehr Osbeck, Olof Torén, Carl Fredrik Adler, Christopher Tärnström, Daniel Solander.
Vol. 8: Encyclopedia, Bibliography, Index

Subjects: NATURAL HISTORY, VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists › History of Voyages & Travels by Physicians....
  • 13035

Medicine on stamps.

New York: Minkus Publications, 1969.

Subjects: Philately, Medical
  • 13036

Nouveau recueil de planches coloriées d'oiseaux, pour servir de suite et de complément aux planches enluminées de Buffon, édition en-folio et in 4to de l'Imprimerie Royale, 1770. Publié par C. J. Temminck. 5 vols.

Paris & Strasbourg, France: F. G. Levrault, 1838.

Though Baron Laugier was responsible for this publication, which was issued over a period of 18 years, but not formally published until 1838, the scientific work has been credited to Temminck. Describes about 800 species of birds on 600 hand-colored plates.
Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: ZOOLOGY › Ornithology
  • 13037

Catalogue des oiseaux.

Arles: D. Garcin, 1836.

Catalogue of the collection of over 3400 New World, Africa, Asian, Australian and European stuffed birds gather by the ornithologist, botanist and politican, following the order of the display of these specimens in Laugier's gallery. The entire collection was dispersed at auction in 1837, the year before publication of Laugier's Nouveau recueil de planches coloriées d'oiseaux was completed. According to Sharpe's account of the collecting of the ornithology specimens in the natural history departments of the British Museum, the British Museum purchased one-tenth of the collection.

Subjects: MUSEUMS › Natural History Museums / Wunderkammern, ZOOLOGY › Ornithology
  • 13038

The good doctors: The Medical Committee for Human Rights and the struggle for social justice in health care.

New York: Bloomsbury, 2009.

"... documents the history of the Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR), a group of health professionals who delivered health care to wounded protesters and victims of police violence during the Civil Rights Movement and the anti-war movement in the United States in the 1960s, at a time when the health care system in the South was still segregated.[1][2]

"Physician Walter Lear founded the Medical Committee for Civil Rights (MCCR) in 1963 to address the entrenched racism in the policies of the American Medical Association (AMA) which enabled Southern states to deny African American physicians the same rights as whites. The group originally protested the AMA in Atlantic City in 1963, but widened their reach when hundreds of health professionals representing MCCR participated in the August 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

"Out of this momentum, a new group, the Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR) was created in 1964 by Tom Levin, who was asked by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) to organize a group of health care workers to support activists during Freedom Summer in Mississippi, a ten-week effort to register disfranchised African American voters. MCHR was needed because there were few black physicians and whites would not treat the injuries of civil rights activists in Mississippi.

"MCHR made several discoveries while supporting activists during the Freedom Summer. They found that the public health system for African Americans was virtually nonexistent in Mississippi. Due to segregation, white physicians would not treat black patients. Most blacks had received almost no health care, and most had never visited a doctor. With access to health care so limited, MCHR was imbued with a new purpose. They became a permanent organization and founded field offices. Soon after, community health care clinics began to emerge. MCHR expanded from Mississippi into Alabama and Louisiana. Their mission expanded further, treating veterans from the Vietnam War for PTSD, and calling for a non-profit national health care system" (Wikipedia aritcle on The Good Doctors, accessed 7-2020).

Subjects: BLACK PEOPLE & MEDICINE & BIOLOGY › History of Black People & Medicine & Biology, POLICY, HEALTH, SOCIAL MEDICINE, Social or Sociopolitical Histories of Medicine & the Life Sciences
  • 13039

Clean: The new science of skin.

New York: Riverhead Books, 2020.

"A preventative medicine physician and staff writer for The Atlantic explains the surprising and unintended effects of our hygiene practices in this informative and entertaining introduction to the new science of skin microbes and probiotics....

"In Clean, doctor and journalist James Hamblin explores how we got here, examining the science and culture of how we care for our skin today. He talks to dermatologists, microbiologists, allergists, immunologists, aestheticians, bar-soap enthusiasts, venture capitalists, Amish people, theologians, and straight-up scam artists, trying to figure out what it really means to be clean. He even experiments with giving up showers entirely, and discovers that he is not alone" (publisher).

Subjects: DERMATOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, Popularization of Medicine
  • 13040

Catalogue des livres de la bibliothèque de feu M. E.P. Ventenat…Suivi de la description de différens herbiers, graines, fruits étrangers, etc., et objets de curiosité.

Paris: Tilliard Frères, 1808.

Besides Ventenat's library of botanical works lots 603-11 included Ventenat’s collections of botanical specimens (lot 603 contained 14- 15,000 specimens from all over the world!). The auction catalogue was prefaced by a life of Ventenat. The auctioneer supplied indices of authors and of anonymous works. 

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Botany / Materia Medica, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Physicians' / Scientists' Libraries
  • 13041

The history of Dahomy, an inland kingdom of Africa; compiled from authentic memoirs; with an introduction and notes.

London: Printed for the Editor by T. Spilsbury and Son, 1793.

Dalzel studied medicine at Edinburgh, and served in the Royal Navy as a surgeon during the Seven Years’ War (1756–63). Discharged in 1763, he accepted a position as a surgeon in the Company of Merchants Trading to Africa, and was stationed at Anomabu on the Gold Coast. While in West Africa he began slave trading. Considering the horrifically  inhumane aspects of slave trading, it is possible that Dalzel was the only physician who actually profited directly from the trade, and was motivated to write a book defending it.

From 1767 to 1770 Dalzel was director of the British fort at Ouida. He then concentrated on slave trading until he was declared bankrupt in 1778. Dalzel was active in the campaign opposing abolition. He argued in this book that the raiding of Dahomean villages for slaves was "saving them from the great evil of being human sacrifices." Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Africa, Slavery and Medicine, VOYAGES & Travels by Physicians, Surgeons & Scientists › History of Voyages & Travels by Physicians....
  • 13042

Governayle of helthe. Add: John Lydgate, Medicina stomachi.

Westminster: William Caxton, circa 1490.

Though it's exact publication date is uncertain, this is the first medical publication issued in English by William Caxton, the first English printer, who set up the first English press in Westminster Abbey. Only two copies of the original edition are recorded: Oxford, Bodleian Library and New York, The Morgan Library and Museum. ISTC No. ig00328000. Facsimile edition, London: Blades East & Blades, 1858, limited to 55 copies.

Subjects: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › England, Medicine: General Works
  • 13043

Physicians' desk reference to pharmaceutical specialties and biologicals.

Rutherford, NJ, 1947.

  • 13043

Physicians' desk reference to pharmaceutical specialties and biologicals. Richard R. Maehler, Editor of Compilation and Arrangement.

Rutherford, NJ: Medical Economics, Inc., 1947.

This work underwent its 71st edition in 2017.

  • 13044

Collected writings. With a biographical memoir by Abraham Flexner. 2 vols.

Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas, 1936.

Subjects: Collected Works: Opera Omnia, INFECTIOUS DISEASE › Tuberculosis, NUTRITION / DIET, PEDIATRICS
  • 13045

Leprosy in British Guiana. An account of West Indian Leprosy. Illustrated with twenty lithographic plates, coloured and plain, from original drawings and photographs of patients at the asylum, and several engravings from camera-lucida drawings, by E. Noble Smith, of pathological specimens, mounted and prepared, with explanatory remarks by P. S. Abraham....

London: J. & A. Churchill, 1881.

The author was medical superintendent of the General Leper Asylum, British Guiana, West Indies. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

  • 13046

Ueber den Einfluss des atmosphärischen Kohlensäuregehalts auf die Temperatur der Erdoberfläche.

Bihang Till K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handlingar, 22, 1-102, Stockholm, 1896.

Arrhenius used basic principles of physical chemistry to estimate the extent to which increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide are responsible for the Earth's increasing surface temperature, the "greenhouse effect."

Subjects: BIOCHEMISTRY, BIOLOGY › Ecology / Environment › Climate Change
  • 13047

Diagnostic and statistical manual: Mental disorders with special supplement on plans for revision.

Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, 1952.

The first edition was known as DSM-1; DSM-5 was published in 2013.

Subjects: Nosology, PSYCHIATRY
  • 13048

Reports to the evolution committee of the Royal Society. Reports I-V. 1902-1909.

London: The Royal Society, 19021910.

In 1908 Archibald Garrod delivered the Croonian Lectures at the Royal College of Physicians in London on inborn errors of metabolism. In his studies of the rare disease alkaptonuria, which affects about one in one million people, Garrod noted that over twenty-five percent of the recorded cases were the offspring of first cousins. In 1902 he consulted the pioneer English geneticist William Bateson about whether the disease might be hereditary. In a footnote to the first of his "Reports to the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society" (1902), pp. 133-134 Bateson noted Garrod's work and suggested that since first cousins are often similar genetically, Garrod's data might be best understood if one assumed alkaptonuria to be caused by a recessive gene:

"In illustration of such a phenomenon we way perhaps venture to refer to the extraordinarily interesting evidence lately collected by Garrod regarding the rare condition known as "Alkaptonuria." In such persons the substance, alkapton, forms a regular constituent of the urine, giving it a deep brown colour which becomes black on exposure. The condition is exceedingly rare, and, though met with in several members of the same families, has only once been known to be directly transmitted front parent to offspring. Recently, however, Garrod has a noticed that no fewer than five families containing alkaptonuric members, more than a quarter of the recorded cases, are the offspring of unions of first cousins. In only two other families is the parentage known, one of these being the case in which the father was alkaptonuric. In the other case the parents were not related. Now there may be other accounts possible, but we note that the mating of first cousins gives exactly the conditions most likely to enable a rare and usually recessive character to show itself. If the bearer of such a gamete mates with individuals not bearing it, the character would hardly ever be seen; but first cousins will frequently be bearers of similar gametes, which may in such unions meet each other, and thus lead to the manifestation of the peculiar recessive characters in the zygote. See A. E. Garrod, 'Trans. Med. Chir. Soc.,' 1899, p. 367, and 'Lancet,' November 30, 1901."

Bateson's statement in this footnote published in 1902 was the first proof of Mendelian heredity in humans, and the foundation of human biochemical genetics.

The five reports in this series were separately published between 1902 and 1902. In 1910 they were collected under a general title page and issued together.

  • 13049

Telemedicine and health technologies: A guide for mental health professionals.

Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, 2018.

"...Telepsychiatry and Health Technologies: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals is a practical, comprehensive, and evidence-based guide to patient-centered clinical care delivered in whole or in part by technological devices and applications. Not a technology-centered “health informatics” book, but rather one that describes basic technological concerns and emphasizes clinical issues and workflows, it is designed for psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health clinicians who seek to learn the modes, models, and methods of telepsychiatry. More than 30 practitioners of telepsychiatry across the core mental health disciplines were involved in development of the text, contributing knowledge and clinical examples. Rich with case studies and hands-on guidance, the book introduces strategies, then clearly illustrates how to put them into practice. The editors believe that psychiatry increasingly will focus on the treatment of populations, and that technology offers the best hope of doing so efficiently and effectively.
Careful thought went into the book’s conception and design, resulting in a marriage of structure and content that meets the needs of today’s clinicians:

  • The editors employed a unique process of manuscript development, first outlining each chapter in its entirety, then assigning sections to contributors selected for their specific clinical experience and therapeutic expertise. The result is a text that flows logically and creates synergy across chapters without duplication.
  • The book provides “how-to” guidance on setting up a new telepsychiatry practice or integrating technologies into a current practice, covering critically important topics such as data collection, security, and electronic health records.
  • Technologies addressed include telephony, smartphones, apps, e-mail, secure texting, and videoconferencing, all of which are increasingly being used in the assessment and treatment of patients with psychiatric disorders.
  • More than 30 case examples of patients or programs are included, illustrating the range of clinical techniques that can be used and the types of patient that can be treated using available technologies—whether in person, online, or in a hybrid form of care combining both modalities.
  • Every chapter concludes with a summary of major learning objectives or findings covered...." (publisher)

Subjects: PSYCHIATRY, Telemedicine
  • 13050

The plants an drugs of sind; being a systematic account, with descriptions, of the indigenous flora, and notices of the value and uses of their products in commerce, medicine and the arts.

London: Richardson & Co. & Bombay: Education Society's Press, Byculla, 1881.

Subjects: BOTANY, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Pakistan, PHARMACOLOGY › PHARMACEUTICALS › Materia medica / Herbals / Herbal Medicines
  • 13051

The vertebrate zoology of Sind. A systematic account, with descriptions of all the known species of mammals, birds, and reptiles inhabiting the province; observations on their habits, &c; tables of their geographical distribution in Persia, Belochistan, and Afghanistan; Punjab, North-west provinces, and the peninsula of India generally, with woodcuts, lithographs, and coloured illustrations.

London: Richardson & Co., 1884.

  • 13052

The reptiles of Sind: A systematic account, with descriptions of all the species inhabiting the province, and a table of their geographical distribution in Persia, Bloochistan, Afghanistan, Punjab, Northwest Provinces, and the Peninsula of India generally, with woodcuts, lithographs, and colored illustrations.

London & Bombay, 1886.

A re-issue with additions to date, of "Reptilian fauna" in the author's Vertebrate zoology of Sind. Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

  • 13053

The avifauna of British India and its dependencies. A systematic account, with descriptions of all the known species of birds inhabiting British India, observations on their habits, nidification, &c., tables of their geographical distribution in Persia, Beloochistan, Afghanistan, Sind, Punjab, N.W. Provinces, and the peninsula of India generally, with woodcuts, lithographs, and coloured illustrations. 2 vols.

London: Trübner & Co. & Bombay: Education Society's Press, Byculla, 18871890.

Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

  • 13054

Five centuries of veterinary medicine: A short-title catalog of the Washington State University Veterinary History Collection.

Pullman, WA: Washington State University Press, 1997.

Checklist of over 1800 books, journals, manuscripts, illustrations, and other rare documents.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Bibliographies of Veterinary Medicine, VETERINARY MEDICINE › History of Veterinary Medicine
  • 13055

Catalogus librorum in bibliotheca Societatis medicae Edinburgenae, secundum auctorum nomina dispositus.

Edinburgh: Mundell et Filum, 1792.

Digital facsimile from at this link. Later editions, 1799, 1804, 1812.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Institutional Medical Libraries, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Scotland
  • 13056

Catalogue raisonné, or, classified arrangement of the books in the Library of the Medical Society of Edinburgh.

Edinburgh: Printed for the Society by Balfour and Jack, 1837.

 Classification by subject. Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Institutional Medical Libraries, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Scotland
  • 13057

Bionics Symposium. Living prototypes-the key to new technology. Wadd Technical Report 60-600. Edited by Joan C. Robinette.

Dayton, OH: Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Directorate of Advanced Systems Technology, Wright Air Development Division, Air Research and Development Command, U.S. Air Force, 1961.

Subjects: Biomechanics, COMPUTING/MATHEMATICS in Medicine & Biology › Computing / Mathematics in Medicine & Biology
  • 13058

DNA sequencing of a cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukaemia genome.

Nature, 456, 66–72, 2008.

Ley and collaborators decoded all the genes of a person with cancer  (acute myeloid leukemia (AML)) and found a set of mutations that might have caused the disease or aided its progression.

  • 13059

Poëme sur la grande peste de 1348. Publié d'après le manuscrit de la Bibliothèque du Palais Saint-Pierre par Georges Geigue.

Lyon: Henri Georg, 1888.

The book indicates that 175 copies were printed "sur papier de Hollande." The editor describes himself as the archivist of the city of Lyon. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: EPIDEMIOLOGY › Pandemics › Plague, LITERATURE / Philosophy & Medicine & Biology › Poetry , MEDIEVAL MEDICINE › France
  • 13060

Vocum, quae apud Hippocratem sunt, collectio. Cum annotationibus Bartholomaei Eustachii . . . Eiusdemque Libellus de Multitudine.

Venice: Luca Antonio Giunta, 1566.

First edition in Latin edited by Eustachi of the glossary to Hippocrates by the first century Greek grammarian Erotianus. Erotianus's work contains the earliest list of the writings of Hippocrates, including some now lost. The Greek text alone had been printed as part of Henri Estienne's Dictionarium Medicum (1564). Eustachi based his Latin translation, accompanied by many passages in the original Greek, on a Greek manuscript in the Vatican library that was independent of Estienne's edition.
To Erotianus text Eustachi added an exhaustive commentary based on the Greek text, which it cites in the original. In addition he added in an ppendix (ff. 128-152) the first edition of his original tract De multitudine, describing the symptoms of plethora (i.e., an excess of a bodily fluid, particularly blood).

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: Dictionaries, Biomedical, Hippocratic Tradition
  • 13061

Plantas medicinale aromaticas o venenosas de Cuba. 2 vols.

Havana: Ministerio de Agricultura & Editorial Guerrero Casamayor y cía, 1945.

  • 13062

A pictorial history of blood practices and transfusion.

Scottsdale, AZ: Arcane Publications, 1992.

Subjects: HEMATOLOGY › History of Hematology, THERAPEUTICS › Blood Transfusion › History of Blood Transfusion
  • 13063

Memoir upon the formation of a deaf variety of the human race.

Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, 1884.

Bell determined that deafness was an inheritable trait and that deaf individuals had a tendency to marry other deaf individuals. As a eugenicist Bell considered this a problem because he thought it risked the development of a "deaf variety" of humans. He suggested both "repressive" and "preventive" measures for mitigating this tendency. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: GENETICS / HEREDITY › Eugenics, OTOLOGY › Deafness
  • 13064

Caspar Peucer's library: Portrait of a Wittenberg professor of the mid-sixteenth century. By Robert Kolb.

St. Louis, MO: Center for Reformation Research, 1976.

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Physicians' / Scientists' Libraries
  • 13065

Briefe welch einige Erfahrungen der electrischen Wirkungen in Krankheiten enthalten.

Copenhagen: Widow of Rothen, 1754.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Denmark, THERAPEUTICS › Medical Electricity / Electrotherapy
  • 13066

Geneeskundige proeven en waarneemingen omtrent de goede uitwerking der electriciteit in verscheiden ziektens.

Amsterdam: Pieter Hayman, 1779.

Digital facsimile of the Dutch edition from Google Books at this link. Translated into German by Karl Gottlob Kühn as Von den guten Würkungen der Electricität in verschiedenen Krankheiten. Mit eingien Anmerkungen und Zusatzen. 2 vols, Copenhagen: C. G. Prost, 1793. Digital facsimile of the expanded German translation from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Netherlands, THERAPEUTICS › Medical Electricity / Electrotherapy
  • 13067

L'Étude expérimentale de l'intelligence.

Paris: C. Reinwald & Schleicher Frères, 1903.

Once education was made mandatory for all French children from ages six to fourteen, it became necessary to determine which children might be considered retarded. To do so the question arose concerning what test should be given to children that might possibly have learning disabilities to determine whethery they should be placed in a special class. Binet attempted to find a way to establish the differences between normal and abnormal intelligence and to measure such differences. Experimenting with his own daughters, Binet gave them problems to solve but also demanded an explanation for the solution they provided for his questions. These experiments resulted in new ideas concerning human reasoning and its relationship to images. Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: PSYCHOLOGY › Child, PSYCHOLOGY › Cognition, PSYCHOLOGY › Intelligence Testing
  • 13068

The mismeasure of man.

New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1981.

A critique of statistical methods and cultural motivations underlying biological determinism. "Gould argues that the primary assumption underlying biological determinism is that, “worth can be assigned to individuals and groups by measuring intelligence as a single quantity”. Biological determinism is analyzed in discussions of craniometry and psychological testing, the two principal methods used to measure intelligence as a single quantity. According to Gould, these methods possess two deep fallacies. The first fallacy is reification, which is “our tendency to convert abstract concepts into entities”.[3] Examples of reification include the intelligence quotient (IQ) and the general intelligence factor (g factor), which have been the cornerstones of much research into human intelligence. The second fallacy is that of “ranking”, which is the “propensity for ordering complex variation as a gradual ascending scale”.[3] (Wikipedia article on The Mismeasure of Man, accessed 10-2020). Expanded second edition, 1996.

Subjects: ANTHROPOLOGY › History of Anthropology, Experimental Design, PSYCHOLOGY › History of Psychology, PSYCHOLOGY › Intelligence Testing
  • 13069

Cruise of the U.S. brig Argus in 1813. Journal of surgeon James Inderwick, edited from the original manuscript in the New York Public Library with an introduction and notes by Victor Hugo Paltsits.

New York: The New York Public Library, 1917.

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

  • 13070

The dental art in ancient times: Lecture memoranda. American medical Association, Atlantic City, 1914.

London: Burroughs Wellcome & Co., 1914.

A very well illustrated serious pocket guide (214pp.) to elements of the history of dentistry including equipment through the ages and marketing information for equipment then available to dentists. Digital facsimile of this version from the Hathi Trust at this link.  Another version, with some differences in the inserted illustrations was issued for a onference in Aberdeen in England at Marischal College, also in 1914. 

Subjects: DENTISTRY › Dental Instruments & Apparatus, DENTISTRY › History of Dentistry
  • 13071

Musaeum Tradescantianum: Or, a collection of rarities preserved at South-Lambeth neer London by John Tradescant.

London: Printed by John Grismond for Nathanael Brooke, 1656.

Catalogue of the first natural museum in England, the collection made by John Tradescant the Elder and the Younger, and left by John Tradescant the Younger to Elias Ashmole, who, along with Thomas Wharton, helped the younger Tradescant compile the catalogue. Ashmole presented the museum to Oxford University where it became the basis for the old Ashmolean Museum. This book includes on pp. 73-178, Catalogus plantarum in horto Johannes Tradescanti nascentium." Digital facsimile from the Internet Archive at this link.

Subjects: BOTANY › Catalogues of Plants, MUSEUMS › Natural History Museums / Wunderkammern
  • 13072

On the pigment of the negro's skin and hair.

J. exp. Med., I, 361- 400, 1896.

"In the present state of our knowledge we can only say that it seems highly probable that the pigment of the negro's hair is not different from the dark pigment found in the hair of the white races, and we may infer that the pigment of the black skin differs only in amount and not in kind from that deposited in the skin of the white man" (p. 400). Digital facsimile from PubMedCentral at this link.

  • 13073

Psychiatric nursing technic.

Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Co., 1940.

  • 13074

Pharmacopoea Castrensis Ottomano. Pharmacopée militaire Ottomane.

Istanbul (Constantinople): Henri Cayol, 1844.

The first original pharmacopoeia printed in the Ottoman Empire, with an original text by the Austrian physician Karl Ambros Bernard. The text of this pharmacopeia was in French and Latin, accompanied by Italian terms. The book was printed for the use of the Ottoman Army as part of a project by the sultan to reorganize the army based upon European models.
The printer, Henri Cayol, established the first lithographic press in Istanbul in 1831. However, he printed this work by letterpress, since Cayol used lithography for Ottoman characters only.

(Thanks to Antiquariat Daša Pahor for this reference.)

  • 13075

Pharmacopoeia Geniki.

Istanbul (Constantinople), 1818.

The first pharmacopeia printed in Turkey. This was a translation into Greek from Brugnatelli's Farmakopoea ad uso degli Speziali, e Medici Moderni della Repubblica Italiana. The printer in Istanbul was not identified. It is probable that this was the first work on a medical subject printed in the Ottoman Empire. Halil Tekiner – Afife Mat – Mert Sandalci, A Concise History of Turkish Pharmacopoeias from 1818 to Present (

  • 13076

Hortus medicus Edinburgensis, or, A catalogue of the plants in the Physical Garden at Edinburgh: Containing their most proper Latin and English names; with an English alphabetical index.

Edinburgh: Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, 1683.

Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Subjects: BOTANY › Botanical Gardens, COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › Scotland
  • 13077

Naval hygiene, by Joseph Wilson, Surgeon United States Navy: With an Appendix: Moving wounded men on shipboards by Albert C. Gorgas, Surgeon United States Navy.

Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1870.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

  • 13078

Naval hygiene. Human health and the means of preventing disease. With illustrative incidents principally derived from naval experience.

Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston, 1879.

Includes chromolithographed plates. Digital facsimile of the second edition (1879) from Google Books at this link. WorldCat cites only this second edition with this title and Wilson's work of 1870 (No. 13077). Therefore it is possible that this 1879 work, which is very different from the 1870 work, was considered by Wilson to be a second edition of that work.

Subjects: MILITARY MEDICINE, SURGERY & HYGIENE › Navy, Maritime Medicine
  • 13079

Pathfinders: A history of the progress of colored graduate nurses. With biographies of many prominent nurses.

New York: Kay Printing House for the author, 1929.

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: BLACK PEOPLE & MEDICINE & BIOLOGY › History of Black People & Medicine & Biology, NURSING › History of Nursing
  • 13080

Early black American leaders in nursing: Architects for integration and quality. (National League for Nursing Series).

Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 1999.

Subjects: BLACK PEOPLE & MEDICINE & BIOLOGY › History of Black People & Medicine & Biology, NURSING › History of Nursing
  • 13081

The law of physicians, surgeons, and apothecaries: Containing all the statutes, cases at large, arguments, resolutions, and judgments concerning them. Compiled, by desire of a great personage, for the use of such gentlemen of the faculty as are enemies to quackery, in order to point out the defects in the law, as it now Stands, relative to those professions, and To propose such expedients for remedying them as they shall think necessary, before the next session of parliament, when it is intended to apply for an act for regulating the practice of physick, and suppressing empirical nostrums.

London: Printed for W. Griffin, 1767.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.

Subjects: LAW and Medicine & the Life Sciences, Quackery
  • 13082

Results of the first United States Manned Orbital Space Flight February 20, 1962.

Washington, DC: National Air and Space Administration, 1962.

Ch. 3: "Life support systems and biomedical instrumentation."
Ch. 8: "Aeromedical preparation and results of postflight medical examinations."
Ch. 9: "Physiological responses of the astronaut."
Ch. 10: "Astronaut preparation."

Digital facsimile from at this link.

Subjects: AVIATION Medicine › Aerospace Medicine
  • 13083

Proceedings of a conference on results of the first U.S. manned suborbital space flight. June 6, 1961.

Washington, DC: National Technical Information Service, 1961.

Ch. 4: "Review of biomedical systems for MR-3 flight."
Ch. 5: "Results of preflight and postflight medical examinations"
Ch. 6: "Bioinstrumentation in MR-3 flight."
Ch.7: "Physiological responses of the astronatu in the MR-3 flight."

Digital facsimile from at this link

Subjects: AVIATION Medicine › Aerospace Medicine
  • 13084

Results of the second U.S. manned suborbital space flight July 21, 1961.

Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1961.

Ch. 3: "Results of the MR-4 preflight and postflight medical examination conducted on astronaut Virgil I. Grissom."
Ch. 4: "Physiological responses of the astronaut in the MR-4 space flight."
Ch. 5: "Flight surgeon's report for Mercury-Redstone Missions 3 and 4."

Digital facsimile from the Hathi Trust at this link.

Subjects: AVIATION Medicine › Aerospace Medicine
  • 13085

Self: A study in ethics and endocrinology.

London: William Heinemann, 1946.

An early work on transexualism. Dillon was the first trans man to undergo phalloplasty. Between 1946 and 1949 Dillon underent at least 13 surgeries performed by Harold Gillies for sex-reassignment surgery.

Subjects: SEXUALITY / Sexology › Transsexuality
  • 13086

Observations générales sur les maladies des climats chauds, leurs causes, leur traitement, et les moyens de les prévenir.

Paris: Pierre-François Didot le Jeune & Saint-Domingue: Dufour de Riams, Imprimeur du Roi au Cap., 1785.

Digital facsimile from BnF Gallica at this link.

  • 13087

Greek Medical Manuscripts - Diels' Catalogue. Edited by Alain Touwaide. 5 vols.

New York: De Gruyter, 2021.
Vol. 1: Diels' catalogue with indices.
Vol. 2: Corpus Hippocraticum
Vol. 3: Corpus Galenicum
Vol. 4: Ceteri Medici
Vol. 5. The manuscripts and their texts.

"The medical literature of ancient Greece has been much studied during the 20th century, particularly from the 1970s on. In spite of this intense activity, the search for manuscripts still relies on the catalogue compiled in the early 1900s by a group of philologists led by the German historian of Greek philosophy and medicine Hermann Diels. However useful the so-called Diels has been and still is, it is now in need of a thorough revision. The present five-tome set is a first step in that direction. Tome 1 offers a reproduction of Diels’ catalogue with an index of the manuscripts. The following three tomes provide a reconstruction of the texts contained in the manuscripts listed in Diels on the basis of Diels’ catalogue. Proceeding as Diels did, these three tomes distinguish the manuscripts containing texts by (or attributed to) Hippocrates (tome 2), Galen (tome 3), and the other authors considered by Diels (tome 4). Tome 5 will list all the texts listed in Diels for each manuscript in the catalogue" (publisher).

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Byzantine Medicine, ANCIENT MEDICINE › Greece, BIBLIOGRAPHY › Manuscripts & Philology
  • 13088

Contagionism catches on. Medical ideology in Britain, 1730-1800.

New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

"This book shows how contagionism evolved in eighteenth century Britain and describes the consequences of this evolution. By the late eighteenth century, the British medical profession was divided between traditionalists, who attributed acute diseases to the interaction of internal imbalances with external factors such as weather, and reformers, who blamed contagious pathogens. The reformers, who were often “outsiders,” English Nonconformists or men born outside England, emerged from three coincidental transformations: transformation in medical ideas, in the nature and content of medical education, and in the sort of men who became physicians. Adopting contagionism led them to see acute diseases as separate entities, spurring a process that reoriented medical research, changed communities, established new medical institutions, and continues to the present day" (publisher).

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › History of Infectious Disease
  • 13089

The germ of an idea: Contagionism, religion, and society in Britain, 1660-1730.

New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

"Contagionism is an old idea, but gained new life in Restoration Britain. The Germ of an Idea considers British contagionism in its religious, social, political and professional context from the Great Plague of London to the adoption of smallpox inoculation. It shows how ideas about contagion changed medicine and the understanding of acute diseases" (publisher).

Subjects: INFECTIOUS DISEASE › History of Infectious Disease
  • 13090

Field surgery in total war.

London: Hamish Hamilton Medical Books, 1940.

This book " became required reading in the US Army Medical Service during the Second World War. According to one US authority, C.E. Welch, Jolly’s methods ‘undoubtedly contributed more to the saving of lives of patients with abdominal wounds than any other single factor’. In Korea and Vietnam the mobile hospitals used by the US Army and its allies were based directly on the mobile surgical units that Jolly described in his book" (

  • 13091

Pharmacopoeia Homoeopathica.

London: S. Highley, 1834.

The first systematic work on homeopathy published in England. A rather late work to be published in Latin.

Subjects: ALTERNATIVE, Complimentary & Pseudomedicine › Homeopathy
  • 13092

Forbidden knowledge: Medicine, science, and censorship in early modern Italy.

Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2020.

  • 13093

Roman domestic medical practice in central Italy from the Middle Republic to the Early Empire.

New York: Routledge, 2019.

Subjects: ANCIENT MEDICINE › Roman Empire › History of Medicine in the Roman Empire
  • 13094

The Pauling catalogue. Ava Helen and Linus Pauling papers at Oregon State University. Edited by Christoffer Petersen and Cliff Mead. 6 vols.

Corvallis, Oregon: Valley Library Special Collections, Oregon State University Libraries, 2006.

Vol. 1. Timeline, correspondence, publications, manuscripts & typescripts of articles, speechs, and books.
Vol. 2. Science, Research Notebooks. 1917 Linus Pauling Diary.
Vol. 3. Peace, Ava Helen Pauling, travel, honors, awards, citations, diplomas and other recognitions.
Vol. 4. Biographical
Vol. 5. Audio/Visual, photographs, and Images
Vol. 6. Newspaper clippings, magazine and journal articles, personal library.

Linus Pauling received the 1962 Nobel Peace Prize "for his fight against the nuclear arms race between East and West."

Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY › Catalogues of Physicians' / Scientists' Libraries, BIOCHEMISTRY › History of Biochemistry, BIOLOGY › MOLECULAR BIOLOGY › History of Molecular Biology, NOBEL PRIZES › Nobel Peace Prize (selected)
  • 13095

John Abbot and William Swainson: Art, science, and commerce in nineteenth-century natural history illustration. By Janice Neri, Tara Nummedal, John V. Calhoun.

Tuscaloosa & London: University of Alabama Press, 2019.

"During his lifetime (1751-ca. 1840), English-born naturalist and artist John Abbot rendered more than 4,000 natural history illustrations and profoundly influenced North American entomology, as he documented many species in the New World long before they were scientifically described. For sixty-five years, Abbot worked in Georgia to advance knowledge of the flora and fauna of the American South by sending superbly mounted specimens and exquisitely detailed illustrations of insects, birds, butterflies, and moths, on commission, to collectors and scientists all over the world. Between 1816 and 1818, Abbot completed 104 drawings of insects on their native plants for English naturalist and patron William Swainson (1789-1855). Both Abbot and Swainson were artists, naturalists, and collectors during a time when natural history and the sciences flourished. Separated by nearly forty years in age, Abbot and Swainson were members of the same international communities and correspondence networks upon which the study of nature was based during this period. The relationship between these two men-who never met in person-is explored in John Abbot and William Swainson: Art, Science, and Commerce in Nineteenth-Century Natural History Illustration. This volume also showcases, for the first time, the complete set of original, full-color illustrations discovered in 1977 in the Alexander Turnbull Library in Wellington, New Zealand. Originally intended as a companion to an earlier survey of insects from Georgia, the newly rediscovered Turnbull manuscript presents beetles, grasshoppers, butterflies, moths, and a wasp. Most of the insects are pictured with the flowering plants upon which Abbot thought them to feed. Abbot's journal annotations about the habits and biology of each species are also included, as are nomenclature updates for the insect taxa. Today, the Turnbull drawings illuminate the complex array of personal and professional concerns that informed the field of natural history in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries" (publisher).

Subjects: NATURAL HISTORY › History of Natural History, NATURAL HISTORY › Illustration, ZOOLOGY › Arthropoda › Entomology
  • 13096

The English hospital 1070-1570.

New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1995.

"The first English hospitals appeared soon after the Norman Conquest. By the year 1300 they numbered over 500, caring for the sick at every level of society—from the gentry and clergy to pilgrims, travelers, beggars, and lepers. Excluded from towns but placed by main highways where they could gather alms, they had a complex relation with medieval society: cherished yet marginalized, self-contained yet also parasitic.

"This book—the first general history of medieval and Tudor hospitals in eighty-five years—traces when and why they originated and follows their development through the crisis periods of the Black Death and the English Reformation when many disappeared. Nicholas Orme and Margaret Webster explore the hospitals' religious, charitable, and medical functions, examine their buildings, staffing, and finances, and analyze their patients in terms of social background and medical needs. They reconstruct the daily life of hospitals, from worship to living conditions, food, and care. The general survey is complemented by a regional study of hospitals of the southwest of England, including detailed histories of all the recorded institutions in Cornwall and Devon" (publisher).

Subjects: COUNTRIES, CONTINENTS AND REGIONS › England (United Kingdom), HOSPITALS › History of Hospitals
  • 13097

Nucleic acids.

Scientific American, 197, No. 3, 188-203, 1957.

This paper published in September 1957, based on Crick's famous "Central Dogma" lecture given the same month, presented his first published statement of The Central Dogma: “Information is transmitted from DNA and RNA to proteins, but information cannot flow from a protein to DNA. See GM 6895.  

  • 13098

Catalogus ofte naamlyst der voornaamste zaken, dewelke op de anatomie-kamer der stadt Rotterdam te zien zyn.

Rotterdam: Stefanus Mostert, 1740.

Catalogue of the cabinet of curiosities of the anatomical theatre of Rotterdam, founded in 1642. Although anatomy theatres were originally established to teach anatomy and medical and surgical techniques to students and barber surgeons, some became a public attraction. This catalogue lists the no fewer than 573 curiosities including 245 minerals from all over the world, listed in a separate section.The catalogue lists 328 anatomical specimens, displayed in several rooms and cabinets. Some are the more “common” specimens one would expect to find in an anatomical theatre, such as human skeletons and human organs (including kidneys, a liver, a heart and a windpipe), mostly from executed criminals, but also a lot of animal skeletons and organs (including horses, a peacock, seals, sharks and eagles). The first cabinet in the first room contained mostly stillborn babies and their organs. People must have been amazed by the enormous number of more remarkable curiosities, such as the rib of an elephant, the penis of a whale and even the snout of a large swordfish, as well as the kidney stone that Jan Jansz. de Doot famously removed from his own body.

Digital facsimile from Google Books at this link.


Subjects: ANATOMY › 18th Century, MUSEUMS › Natural History Museums / Wunderkammern
  • 13099

Recherches sur l’usage des feuilles dans les plantes, et sur quelques autres sujets relatifs à l’histoire de la végétation.

Göttingen & Leiden: Elie Luzac, 1754.

In his study of plant physiology Bonnet contributed significant research on phototropism. Digital facsimile from Biodiversity Heritage Library at this link.

Craig W. WhippoRoger P. Hangarter, Phototropism: Bending towards Enlightenment, Published May 2006. DOI:

Subjects: BOTANY